For many years public institution "House of Arts and Education" has been working with Augusto Boal's TO (Theatre of the Oppressed) system and its most popular method - Forum theatre. It is a social theatre that engages the audience, reflects real everyday situations and helps us to become more sensitive to social injustice and to find new ways of being in the community around us.

As this theatre is always connected to the environment, social situations and circumstances around us, the professionals at the "House of Arts and Education" also had to react to what is happening in the world. The Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly changed the way people communicate, shifting it for a while almost exclusively to virtual space. however, even as the pandemic subsided, new habits remained, and some people found that they felt much more comfortable working, communicating and participating in various activities online, so it was inevitable for Forum theatre to move to a virtual space as well. So the new work module "Forum theatre online" was created and developed.


The project "DIALOGUE AND ACTION - Strengthening Ourselves, Strengthening Others", supported by Ministry of Social Security and Labour, has made it possible to develop this module and other activities relevant to the institution. The new modules are very important part of the project. Besides the module "Forum theatre online", four other modules were created: "Forum theatre for Schools", "Forum theatre for Families", "Forum theatre for Youth" and "Forum theatre for Adults".

As Rimanta Vaičekonytė, founder of this Public institution and Forum theatre professional, says, "It is a great pleasure to be able to expand the range of services and to create new modules to work with different social groups.

New group of volunteers

One of the objectives of this project was to gather and to train a team of volunteers. They got acquainted with the method of Forum theatre, other methods of TO and "Forum theatre online".

Rimanta Vaičekonytė, the main teacher of volunteers, said that it was one of the most important and fun activities of tfhe project. Director of the institution Jūratė Kalčytė-Juzelskienė said that meeting new people made it possible to feel a sense of community, to emphatize with the feelings and experiences of others, to discuss various issues.

Feedback from volunteers: "this knowledge will be very helpful in the relationships, both in business and in personal life", "I will be able to better recognize different situations and find solutions", "It will help me to identify dysfunctional and destructive behaviour in relationships and to choose ways how to deal with it", "I am in love", "I think this theatre form is more useful and relevant than ever. I hope that it will be supported and developed in Lithuania".

Forum theatre in virtual world

This project involved the redesign of the website of the institution. For this it was necessary to review all the work that has been done in almost 20 years. Team members could not believed how much happened during these years!

As jūratė Kalčytė-Juzelskienė, director of institution, says "discussions and conversations took us back to the beginning of the activities, allowed us to see the whole path. It brough us new ideas for future work and projects.

Rimanta Vaičekonytė commented that "this project was one of the most useful in the last five years. It gave an opportunity to present our activities to the society. During 20 years countless activities were implemented and the simply was no time to talk about them, therefore the large part of them remained invisible". Rimanta also says only nice things about the newly designed website: "It is a pleasure to invite everyone who is looking for an interactive, creative, effective and attractive methodology to visit our website.

Impetus for further work

The team of "House of Arts and Education" agrees that working together is fun and meaningful, therefore new paths and perspectives are important. As Jūratė Kalčytė-Juzelskienė says, "the project activities have strengthened the team, we have discovered the best and strongest points of the institution", Rimanta Vaičekonytė agrees that "now we have to absorb, test and put into practice all that has been learned, developed and created. We hope that we will be able to do this in the future, because there is certainly room for improvement".

This project not only gave opportunity to renew contacts with previous partners but also allowed to meet new professionals, with whom it will be important to cooperate in the future. Saulė Aleksandravičiūtė, who redesigned the website, said "I had the opportunity to work with Forum theatre team on their website. It was very pleasant to work together. The team was passionate about their project, knew what they wanted and communicated their needs clearly. Working with them helped me to understand Forum theatre ideas and application - a truly unique problem-solving technique".