"The Road of the Citizen in the Mirror of History" - European Award for Citizenship, Security and Defence.
Europos įvertinimas už pilietiškumą, saugumą ir gynybą

The project "The Road of the Citizen in the Mirror of History" received European Award for Citizenship, Security and Defence.
CiDAN award in Berlin Security Conference is designed for the efforts of citizens to respect and fight for Human rights.  
The project aimed to remind young people that Human rights should not be taken for granted.
   Rimanta Vaičekonytė, actress and head of "House of Arts and Education" was very excited to know that the organization was awarded this prize.
Robert Walter, President of Inter-Parliamentary Security and Defence Association, presented the main prize, a representative of CiDAN presented diplomas and the medal of President Macron..
"It was really touching to see our small country's project being recognized on the topic of security" - says the actress.
Representatives of four partner countries - Lithuania, Portugal, Montenegro and Hungary - agreed that the topic about Human rights is very important to all of them.


Participants learned Forum theatre.

4 European countries formed the Forum theatre team.

The last meeting took place in Portugal, where the news about the award reached the participants.

The Awards are organized each year by the Civisme Defense Armees Nation (CiDAN), together with the European Inter-Parliamentary Association for Security and Defence.https://www.cidan.org).

With the support of Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.
Šį projektą finansavo Europos Sąjungos programa „Europa piliečiams“, projektą parengė, organizavo ir vykdė Viešoji įstaiga „Menų ir mokymo namai“ iš Lietuvos kartu su  partneriais INSIGNARE – Associacao de Ensino e Formacao, Portugalija; Kauno Milikonių pagrindinė mokykla, Lietuva;  Herzeg Novi regiono savivaldybė, Juodkalnija; MIRE Magyar Identitasert Regionalis Egyesulet – Vengrija, Joniškio rajono Kriukų pagrindinė mokykla.