About us

House of Arts and Education

Public institution “Menų ir mokymo namai“ (“House of Arts and Education”) was established on the 1st of July in 2004. This day is our birthday!

Actress and lecturer Rimanta Vaičekonytė got acquainted with Augusto Boal’s “Theatre of the Oppressed” (TO) in 1998. She studied these methods in Estonia, Denmark and Sweden. In 2004 Rimanta invited Maria Nilson – trained professional from Sweden to Lithuania. Maria held trainings for educators and right after that “House of Arts and Education” was established.

Short history of the Forum Theatre

Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) – it’s the system of theatrical methods, created and developed by Brazilian theatre director, Politian and defender of Human rights Augusto Boal (1931 – 2009). It is aimed at recognizing and fighting outer and inner oppression and social injustice. It encourages to accept and respect what is new or unfamiliar for us. This system consists of various games and exercises, Image theatre, Forum theatre, Newspaper theatre, Legislative theatre and Rainbow of desire. They all are based not only on verbal expression, but on the holistic approach. Everything is important – our feelings, sensations, various forms of expression, non-verbal means of communication. “House of Arts and Education” mainly uses method of Forum theatre, but integrates other methods of the system into its activities as well. 

"Home of Arts and Education" now.

For almost 20 years our organization is spreading information about the importance of Human rights, about inner and outer aggressors and necessity to confront them if we want to live in freedom. For that we use attractive and interactive theatrical methods. Sometimes it is very difficult to integrate new ideas and understandings into our everyday lives, but when we play different situations on the stage, experience feelings of victims or the wonder of becoming active in supporting those who suffer – it leaves a permanent imprint on us. 

Therefore organization is constantly implementing national and international projects, participates in and organizes various events, seminars, workshops, trainings. 

Augusto Boal encourages everyone to replace MONOLOGUES with DIALOGUES in our relationships and we agree 100%. One of main principles of Augusto Boal is – DARE TO BE HAPPY. We are trying to remember this every day and invite you all to join us!

At this moment the specialists of the organization use all the methods of the Theatre of the Oppressed: Image theatre, Invisible theatre, Newspapers theatre, Legislative theatre, Rainbow of Desires.Actors, directors, psychologists and other specialists work or volunteer in the activities of the organization. 

Įstaigos veikla finansuojančių ir valdančių institucijų, visuomenės bei partnerių yra vertinama labai aukštai. 

Nuo 2018 m. organizacijos pagrindine veikla tapo darbų saugos dokumentacijos rengimas ir profesinės rizikos vertinimas.
Vadovaujantis Pavyzdiniais Saugos ir Sveikatos Nuostatais įstaigos darbuotojai ruošia visus įstatymais numatytus dokumentus susijusius su darbuotojų sauga ir sveikata. Taip pat rengia saugos ir sveikatos, gaisrinės saugos instrukcijas, pareiginius nuostatus, darbo tvarkos taisykles. Darbų saugos specialistai teikia šias paslaugas – indentifikuoja profesinę riziką; atlieka fizikinius, cheminius matavimus ir ergonominius bei psichosocialinius tyrimus; paruošia profesinės rizikos šalinimo ir mažinimo planą.

Organizacija nuolat vykdo Engiamųjų teatro sistemos (Forumo teatro, Vaizdinių teatro ir kt.) metodikos mokymus įvairių organizacijų atstovams, mokytojams, mokiniams, studentams, veda konferencijas ir seminarus.
