Forum Theatre

Forum Theatre - one of the most widely used methods. It was also the first method learned and used by our organisation. 

It is a democratic theatre. Classical theatre divides actor and spectator, leaving the spectator in a passive position. But Augusto Boal did not like this – he wanted spectators to be as active as actors and to be able to participate in performances, to change the course of action on the stage, to try out different behaviours and to see what outcomes they bring. This is how he invented the term “Spect-actor”. 

Forum theatre plays can be created and performed in different ways:

Augusto Boal lived in Brasilia in XX century. This was not the safest place on earth, it was full of corruption, violence and oppression. At this time the term “Theatre of the Oppressed” was born. It reflected the reality of that time very well. We use this term nowadays as well, though this word is not widely used in everyday language. Theatre of the Oppressed addresses everyone who is suffering from injustice or social inequality, discrimination or bullying. It talks to and about everyone who does not dare to be himself or herself openly. We will use the term suggested by Augusto Boal having in mind all the people who are discriminated, rejected or marginalized.  nebėra taip plačiai naudojamas šnekamojoje kalboje. „Engiamųjų teatras“ skirtas visiems, kurie kenčia priespaudą, socialinę neteisybę ir nelygybę, diskriminaciją, patyčias, kurie nesijaučia saugūs būdami atvirai savimi. Mes naudosime Augusto Boalio pasiūlytą terminą, turėdami mintyje visas neteisybę bei atmetimą patiriančias grupes. 

Main actors/characters of Forum Theatre:


This is the main character who suffers rejection, discrimination or other form of oppression.


The one who abuses the protagonist.

Stebėtojai / neutralieji

Visi kiti istorijoje dalyvaujantys asmenys. Jie mato agresiją ir priespaudą, tačiau dažniausiai į ją nesikiša arba kažkiek palaiko agresoriaus pusę, kaip ir gyvenime – tylintys agresoriaus akivaizdoje prisideda prie to, kad agresija nėra sustabdoma, o prisidėti prie patyčių neretai atrodo „saugiau“ ir netgi „patraukliau“, negu apginti auką, nes labai greitai gali atsidurti jos vietoje.


Visai atskiras veikiantis asmuo. Tai – tarpininkas tarp aktorių ir publikos. Jis stengiasi išlikti neutralus (kaip ir Džokeris kortų kaladėje, kuris nepriklauso nei vienai spalvai), tačiau nepamiršta savo vidinio vertybinio pagrindo – kad yra už dialogą, bet prieš patyčias, diskriminaciją ar bet kokią kitą priespaudą.