Visi gali vaidinti – netgi aktoriai
The road of the citizen
Project "The Road of the Citizen" is designed for the meetings, discussions and working together for the citizens of various countries. The main aim is inform and to give broader knowledge to participants that the fact that they are citizens of the country belonging to European Union makes them themselves citizens of European Union. They are defined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, so they were used when choosing topics for discussions, creating and performing etudes. Three sections of the Charter and the topics that make them up were chosen for discussions and studies:
I. Dignity: Human dignity; Right to the integrity of the person.
II. Freedoms: Right to liberty and security; Freedom of thought, conscience and religion; Right to Education; Freedom to choose an occupation and right to engage in work.
III. Equality: Non-discrimination; Cultural, religious and linguistic diversity; Equality between women and men; The rights of the child; The rights of the elderly; Integration of persons with disabilities.
During the project, participant trainings were organized, focusing on selected sections of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and trainings on how these topics can be revealed using August Boal's interactive methods. Later, public interactive mini-conferences were held - they were organized both by the project coordinators, the Public institution "House of Arts and Education", and all the schools participating in the project tested this format in their communities. Each school organized three such interactive mini-conferences (on the topics "Dignity", "Freedom", "Equality"). The project was crowned by a huge public event "Square of Desires" at the Vilnius bus station.